Friday, February 24, 2006

Great mail day

Yesterday was a great mail day: no bills and free samples! I got some free bounce sheets and this awesome catalog for luxurious bath products and lotions (that I requested just becuase there are awesome papers in the catalog - great sb inspiration!) and it came with a ton of little samples. I tried this lemony lotion last night and it was so bloody strong smelling that I felt dizzy and weird! Well, it was either the yucky lotion, or the uber greezy yummy pizza from our pizza hut date last night.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Who would have thought that Chicken can totally make my day - does that indicate that I have very little to look forward day -to -day? Anyway - Chicken is on sale at Cub Foods; buy one giant fresh pack, get one giant fresh pack free with coupon. Guess what - I've got two coupons! That is a savings of over $10 per pack of chicken! Between the cost savings and the opportunity to use the foodsaver, I am just giddy!!!

Pretty slow at my afternoon work - which is sad because I missed most of last week and there is so little to do that I might take one more day off this week.

I had the new kitchen floor installed - it's not perfect so of course I had to call and complain. They were not very apologetic and sounded annoyed at me. Not cool - now I have to be mean Barbara.

I'm thinking of getting some gals together from the metro area for a little scrappin' - mostly because I am so desperately lonely!! I hope to find a good central location and for a good turnout.

I think we found another renter for our rental house - which is good - we NEED the $$! I'm a little worried because it's a cousin of mine and although we don't know eachother very well, it's still weird to have money due between family.

Friday, February 17, 2006

(insert witty title here)

I don't have the patience or mind to think of a catchy title for today. I've been avoiding the blog because I feel *crappy*. I thought I was finally better and getting to be normal, but last week, during a perfectly great MommyBenji Day, the pain started again. So yesterday I found myself having laparoscopic surgery to figure out what's happening. I don't know what's happening. The dr told brent that everything seemed normal. I am feeling really crappy like I went through all of this pain for nothing. Basically I am feeling really stupid because I wasted time and still nothing to make me feel better. I think, given the opportunity, I could easily become addicted to morphine though. The nurse said they gave me enough for two adults when I came out of surgery, to which I answered "i'm the size of two adults!".

Luckily ben was in good hands at home with george. And after we got home, the boys moved the appliances and cleaned up so that the floor could be installed today. It looks good, brent doesn't like it because it cost money$!

Speaking of boys, mine are going all over the place getting race parts. Even though I can't consider leaving the house, I'm already stir crazy. I took ben for lunch at Stu's and I regretted every minute of it. Especially getting into the truck - dang that thing is tall!

It's only Friday night, I should be looking forward to a nice weekend, but instead I'm already dreading going to work on Monday. I think brent is bringing ben to the monster truck thing tomorrow - fun for them, but we are spending money like it's going out of style! Feb is such a short month that I only get two paychecks instead of four and brent, well god only knows if he will even get one...

lots more to ramble about, but the laptop cord doesn't reach the plug in and i'm running out of juice.


Friday, February 10, 2006


I'm feeling really at peace. Brent came home (almost on time) so that we could go out, just the two of us, without friends or Ben for the first time in 2 years. It was great! We mostly talked about work, there is so much going on at his work that he just doesn't have time to talk about with me on a regular basis. He just doesn't have time for alot of things. I also really appreciated that he came home to keep our date even though there was a major emergency deadline at work, and he had to go in at 5am today to make up for leaving last night. And Ben had fun with our friend George who was wonderful enough to babysit. All is well.

I'm trying a new recipe for Ooey Gooey Butter Cake - sounds good huh??

I wish everyday could be like Fridays - lots of time, lots of snuggles with Ben and no plans..

Next Week my NEW KITCHEN FLOOR is coming ! Can you tell I'm excited? I have Carpet in the kitchen - with a little kid and a messy husband - Gross!!! And I'm having someone else put it in - I've never ever had someone do an improvement here - we always do it ourselves. It is going to be great!!

Oh Oh, good feeling gone - Brent just called and said that it's not going well at work and it's only 8:30am! Hopefully he won't have to work tomorrow....

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Lots of woo hooing going on this week:

  • I'm all better - no more dr appts for me!
  • ben's daycare lady has been sick this week, so he's been at grandmas - no tears!
  • I'm actually kinda busy and not too bored at my a.m. job
  • I've got an audit going on at my p.m. job and it is the greatest! It's more of a business consultant that comes in, observes and tells you how to run the business better. Very needed ! Hopefully since my boss is paying dearly for this information, he will take it to heart. She is already saying the exact same things that I have been saying for years - VALIDATION!! :)
  • Brent is hoping to be more caught up towards the end of the week, he hopes to be home earlier - maybe even early enough to go on a date one night this week!

Friday, February 03, 2006

For the love of Fridays

Would I love Fridays so much if didn't hate Mon - Thursday so much? I'm not sure, but I'm willing to quit work just to test theory! Ben is happily playing with cars (of course), the laundry is going, I've paid the bills and balanced the checkbook and we will leave shortly for the Dr. I could totally do this everyday!

It just started snowing - hope it's not slickery! It's huge flakes and it makes me feel like I'm in a snowglobe. Ben thinks he will have enough for a snowman tonite, but I doubt it.

Daycare seemed a little better yesterday, but Ben still cried about missing me when I picked him up. I'm such a sucker for the tears..

I'm looking forward trying out some new recipies this weekend if anyone is around to actually eat them!