Tuesday, April 25, 2006

a little news........

So we have some exciting news, but brent is hesitant to tell everyone, so i'll put it out on the blog - no one really reads this right!?
So....... we bought a house and we are closing next month. Lots to do to make it happen, and we don't know if we are going to move there or just sell it again, but either way - it's going to be a major chuck of our time and money for the rest of the year. It has a yard! A big yard. Did I mention it has a yard? Do you know that I Don't have a yard now? Oh yeah, did I mention we haven't seen the inside yet?

Nothing else is new - I'm learning alot and trying to get a handle of things at my new afternoon job. At least I get to use cool words like reefer and lumper !

Brent starts racing at the track by our house this weekend, so we'll be busy getting ready for that. I hope the weather is nice - the first few weeks can be really chilly and miserable to sit and watch the races for hours.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

some interesting things.............

from today at church:
God loves you just the way you are
but he also loves you too much to leave you as you are.

think about it.

then I heard this on Joel Osteen:
God wants you to constantly be working towards a goal ~ to be challenged.

I thought those two messages went well together.

There is one thing that I would love to challenge myself with:
I want to learn how to play guitar - this will be hard knowing that I don't know how to read music!
If you know someone who is patient and knows guitar - hook me up. I told brent I should look for one of those teachers that teach music to 3 and 4 yr olds (Suzuki method) ! :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

some pics

Phew - I've finally gotten some scrappages uploaded! Here they are :

This one is about brent's fanatical love of Blackhawk (the band).

This is from the twin's first birthday - they had the funniest look on their faces - like "oh oh - I've got a belly ache!"

I had to put this one on a green lid, so you could see the edges against the white of the countertop! This is Erika on her first b-day. I'm way impressed how I traced the shadow of the coffee table to make a #1 !!

And, because no one can ever have enough Benji - here he is. Everytime he sees the camera lately, I get this goofy look from him. 10 pics on Easter - every one like this or with the eyes shut!

Friday, April 14, 2006

A lot of Ramblings

First of all: I think that blogs and myspace are going to be the downfall of people! Yes, that means I'm contibuting (via the blog) but I'm trying to keep it light here. If I wasn't so lazy I would use this to post sb pages, but it's a lot of effort to get a decent photo of them since they are 12x12. Back to the downfall part: almost everyone I know has either a blog or a myspace account. Have you seen myspace???? It is disturbing. The internet can be such an 'anonymus' place, and people tend to post more than they should on blogs - but myspace is a whole step further. I'm never going to let my Ben on the internet!

Second: It takes a village......... to have a race car. Brent is racing at Fairmont and he really needs so much help! We've got my BIL doing the stickers, the neighbors helping with time and parts, brent's brother helping with supervising, I'm in charge of food and sodas, yada yada yada. Today wasn't so bad - only one trip for parts and I didn't even have to make sandwiches! I did feel like I had to be 'available' for him "just in case" he needed something. I'm typically on call every Saturday. Brent swears it's not true, I don't have to hang out waiting for him to need me, but I feel like I have to.

Third: The weather - it rocks my world! We totally skipped spring and are in full blown summer! Sweet. which brings me to...

Fourth: The yard looks awful! I raked some of the junk up, but non of the grass we worked so hard on last year is coming back. So back to the store to get more seed. I can't find any of the garden supplies - guess I should have taken care of them in fall, but you know............ I hope to convince Brent to help clean up on Saturday. The neighbor has graciously offered his picnic table for our use and I've got to find a place for it so that it doesn't fall prey to the Race Trailers.

Fifth: I had some witty things to put here - two actually - but then I reconsidered, see #1. For once I will use the edit feature God gave me.

Lastly: look at this cool thing I found on typoGenerator

Monday, April 10, 2006

oh man !

Cokes and scrapping before bed Don't mix! I woke up at 2am thinking it was 6am and ready to start the day! I was drinking too many cokes and scrapbooking, so I was dreaming about scrap pages. I am a nut. I wonder if Brent dreams about race cars?

Here's some photos of fun stuff that's been happening

Soccer at the park

Me and Brent at Blackhawk/Restless Heart/Little Texas

Benji working hard at the computer (thomas the train game)

For real now, I'm going to TRY to go to sleep.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Here's what's new since the last time I posted (I know, I'm lazy)

I got bread crumbs in my keypad on the laptop. Alot of the buttons are sticking. For awhile there the T wasn't working at all!

I used the above breadcrumbs to make Meatballs for the neighbors, who just had their first baby (a girl: Briana)

I've been sick over the weekend: YuCk!

Babysat the twins on Saturday; ben had them busy all afternoon. He luvs those babies (mostly just Erika). Of course, we couldn't leave without leaving damage: ben knocked both of the girls over while going through the baby gate and Ella has the cut to prove it

Work: it continues to suck. I hate feeling so unimportant and replacable. How do you not get your self esteem from work?

My neices next door got their trampoline out today :)
We played crack the egg for a long time, until I almost passed out. Jumping is a lot of work!

Super Troopers is done, so I think I'm going to bed............

Sunday, April 02, 2006

good things

Good things are happening:

people are happy
garage sale season offically starts next weekend
a great concert (Blackhawk, Restless Heart and Little Texas)
a weekend of eating

what more can a girl ask for?