A lot of Ramblings
First of all: I think that blogs and myspace are going to be the downfall of people! Yes, that means I'm contibuting (via the blog) but I'm trying to keep it light here. If I wasn't so lazy I would use this to post sb pages, but it's a lot of effort to get a decent photo of them since they are 12x12. Back to the downfall part: almost everyone I know has either a blog or a myspace account. Have you seen myspace???? It is disturbing. The internet can be such an 'anonymus' place, and people tend to post more than they should on blogs - but myspace is a whole step further. I'm never going to let my Ben on the internet!
Second: It takes a village......... to have a race car. Brent is racing at Fairmont and he really needs so much help! We've got my BIL doing the stickers, the neighbors helping with time and parts, brent's brother helping with supervising, I'm in charge of food and sodas, yada yada yada. Today wasn't so bad - only one trip for parts and I didn't even have to make sandwiches! I did feel like I had to be 'available' for him "just in case" he needed something. I'm typically on call every Saturday. Brent swears it's not true, I don't have to hang out waiting for him to need me, but I feel like I have to.
Third: The weather - it rocks my world! We totally skipped spring and are in full blown summer! Sweet. which brings me to...
Fourth: The yard looks awful! I raked some of the junk up, but non of the grass we worked so hard on last year is coming back. So back to the store to get more seed. I can't find any of the garden supplies - guess I should have taken care of them in fall, but you know............ I hope to convince Brent to help clean up on Saturday. The neighbor has graciously offered his picnic table for our use and I've got to find a place for it so that it doesn't fall prey to the Race Trailers.
Fifth: I had some witty things to put here - two actually - but then I reconsidered, see #1. For once I will use the edit feature God gave me.
Lastly: look at this cool thing I found on typoGenerator
Second: It takes a village......... to have a race car. Brent is racing at Fairmont and he really needs so much help! We've got my BIL doing the stickers, the neighbors helping with time and parts, brent's brother helping with supervising, I'm in charge of food and sodas, yada yada yada. Today wasn't so bad - only one trip for parts and I didn't even have to make sandwiches! I did feel like I had to be 'available' for him "just in case" he needed something. I'm typically on call every Saturday. Brent swears it's not true, I don't have to hang out waiting for him to need me, but I feel like I have to.
Third: The weather - it rocks my world! We totally skipped spring and are in full blown summer! Sweet. which brings me to...
Fourth: The yard looks awful! I raked some of the junk up, but non of the grass we worked so hard on last year is coming back. So back to the store to get more seed. I can't find any of the garden supplies - guess I should have taken care of them in fall, but you know............ I hope to convince Brent to help clean up on Saturday. The neighbor has graciously offered his picnic table for our use and I've got to find a place for it so that it doesn't fall prey to the Race Trailers.
Fifth: I had some witty things to put here - two actually - but then I reconsidered, see #1. For once I will use the edit feature God gave me.
Lastly: look at this cool thing I found on typoGenerator

Yes! You are so right: myspace is the Devil, the Devil himself, I tell you! It will undoubtedly bring about the fall of mankind!
Hooray! Barbs of the world unite (especially midwestern Barbs). Great blog, Barb.
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