Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hello there!

Is anyone even reading this? It's been a month, so i assume I'm talking to myself here....

Here's what's new:
  • Work, some of it sucks, some of it doesn't. My morning job is draining the life out of me. My trucking co is rocking! I'm learning so much there and I like the variety. My old landscape job is driving me nuts. They are really pathetic, so I help them out when I can, but I can only do so much. Either way, super busy
  • New (flipping) house, we took all of July off because it was so bloody hot, and brent's got a pinched nerve in his back. He was pretty incapacitated. We went back this week, and I'm trying to get into it again. I just want the kitchen done. There is so much painting and touch up to do. Plus I really need someone to help me put on the cabinet hinges.
  • Brent's racing has been good and terrible. He's either in the top 5 or doesn't finish. It's dissapointing when he works so hard and doesn't do well. At least we've got a few wins this year to help it along!
  • Brent's work: super busy. Annoyingly busy. Never around busy. Cranky busy. I'm way past this, hopefully when he finishes up a few more projects, things can get back to normal.
  • We did VBS (Vacation Bible School) and it was so cool. Exhausting, but cool. My neighbor and I did the crafts for the 3-8yr olds. Ben had a blast and it was neat.
  • Our friend george is living with us. I'm worried about him, but hopefully being here is helpful. we luv having him
  • I've got banana bread in the oven.......mmmmmmmmmmm.
  • I've been scrapping. Some of the best ones are below: (honestly when am I going to learn to scan and stitch layouts?)
  • I think that's about it...........


Blogger clinical psych said...

what is up?! If you can wait two more weeks I WILL HELP YOU WITH THE CABINETS!

11:32 AM  
Blogger Andrea Wiebe said...

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7:52 PM  
Blogger Andrea Wiebe said...

love all those buttons, and the way you put the paper around the photo with bob the builder! and thank you for your kind comments on my blog!

7:58 PM  

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