Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A little better, A little worse

So Ben had a major meltdown at daycare dropoff today - so bad that Brent called me about it. That means it's pretty bad. I called the daycare lady and she said yup - Ben cries every time she tries to talk to him. He just asks when I'm coming to pick him up. She did say he played with the kids today for the first time - but he was still weeping when I picked him up.

I had lunch with my friend Cathy. She is so awesome - I wish we either lived closer, or had more time to hang out. She has been an incredible work mentor, friend, scrapbook buddy and in general a person I really look up to. I can always count on a couple hours for lunch when we get together.

Work sucks. That is all.

I also have an unpleasant dr appt to make this week - blech!

Also - for all you people who think kids are cute and cuddly - remember they come with responsibility. I totally understand working to support your family - but come on - don't sign your kids up for a million activities if you aren't around to drive them. And don't think that your amazing Sister in Law is willing to schlep your kids all over ! For good grief Gilmore Girls is on tonite and you want me to bring your kids to Karate?! What are they thinking!! :)


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