Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ahh... Thursday

It's Thursday night, I'm done with work, the boys are playing racing junk outside - the world is good. I hate hate hate work lately. It's lonely and boring and the only people I do see/talk to are not nice. Not only are they not nice: they are just plain crazy. If you know where I work, you know who I'm talking about. Thank God for Betty! She is my work idol - she is going through some crappy personal stuff but it never effects her *sparkly pink* attitude! Plus her sense of humor is just like mine!
Lots of errands on tap for Friday, then snow football with Brent's family on Saturday. Since I don't care to get smeared into the ground by friends and strangers alike, I'm bringing this scrapbook project along to work on. Brent's mom asked me to help her get a book together for her parent's anniversary.
Plus we need to cram in some super snuggly time with Ben - the new daycare transition is not easy. He's cried two out of the three days I've picked him up. He always says "I just missed you so much". Then tonite a toy he hardly plays with broke and he was hysterical for 1/2 hour. Cried like I haven't heard him cry in ages. Poor guy.


Blogger clinical psych said...

Ok, I'm feeling neglected and worried!!! We need to chat soon!

10:30 AM  

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